
Williams and Magnuson smiling at the camera

Penn State 校友 Association announces $20,000 match for Renaissance Fund gifts

The Penn State 校友 Association (PSAA) has announced a $20,000 matching commitment that will grow the scholarship endowment recently established in honor of 2024 Renaissance Fund honorees Roger Williams, 退休PSAA执行董事, 还有他的妻子, 凯伦Magnuson, retired assistant director of University marketing. In recognition of the Renaissance Fund’s 55th anniversary, the PSAA will match gifts of $550 or more to any named Renaissance Fund with an equal contribution to the Roger L. 威廉姆斯和凯伦·L. 马格努森复兴基金.

罗恩Darbeau named associate vice president for Commonwealth Campuses

罗恩Darbeau, 十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校的校长兼院长, has been named associate vice president for Commonwealth Campuses in Penn State’s Office of the Vice President for Commonwealth Campuses, 8月有效. 1. In addition to his new duties, Darbeau will continue to serve as chancellor and dean at 阿尔图纳.
Stephen Pace and 丽塔的速度, smiling and standing outside in front of some trees

New scholarship supports IST students transitioning from Penn State campuses

A $100,000 gift from 十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校 alumnus Stephen Pace 还有他的妻子, 丽塔的速度, has endowed a new scholarship for students in the College of IST. The Pace Family Scholarship will support full-time IST undergraduate students who have demonstrated a financial need and are transitioning from a Penn State campus to 大学公园.

Penn’s Woods Music Festival 2024 to run June 16-29

The Penn’s Woods Music Festival returns for its 2024 edition, promising two weeks filled with enchanting performances, vibrant tunes and unforgettable musical experiences. 从6月16日到29日, music enthusiasts are invited to immerse themselves in an array of captivating concerts featuring talented musicians from around the region.
Ceramic sculpture, shaped like half of a circle with multiple holes in the structure.

'研究 Art Collection' showcase in Old Main

"研究 Art Collection" is on display in the Office of Senior Vice President for 研究 on the third floor in Old Main at 大学公园. The exhibit showcases the art of research and the research of art and is open to the public. 
Artwork on a wall in Wellington, New Zealand

Video series shares sustainability lessons from trip to New Zealand, Australia

如果一张图片胜过千言万语, Annie 泰勒 hopes videos will bring an invaluable experience — an opportunity to learn about sustainability — to everyone, 不用远离家乡. 去年, 泰勒, senior assistant dean for distance learning in the Penn State College of Earth and Mineral Sciences, 和凯特琳·法尔南, a business instructor at 十大网投平台信誉排行榜阿尔图纳分校, led 20 Penn State students on a trip to New Zealand and Australia to learn about sustainable business practices. Their experiences on that trip were captured on video and are now available online as a collection in the University’s Repository for Open and Affordable Materials.